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when did we first discover kaiketsu zorori Empty when did we first discover kaiketsu zorori

2010-11-10, 16:40
where did we first heard and/or discover kaiketsu zorori
Male Number of posts : 39
Age : 33
Location : California
Registration date : 2010-09-12

when did we first discover kaiketsu zorori Empty Re: when did we first discover kaiketsu zorori

2010-11-10, 20:26
I discovered about Kaiketsu Zorori from the internet rule #34 XD
Royal Jester
Royal Jester
Male Number of posts : 61
Age : 31
Registration date : 2010-08-17

when did we first discover kaiketsu zorori Empty Re: when did we first discover kaiketsu zorori

2010-11-10, 21:28
I find out about everything in a very vague, obscure manner and sometimes I even wonder how I manage to hear about some things. I'm always on the go whether it be on the net or not to find out about new things.

I don't remember exactly what I was doing for at the moment, but I saw the name "Zorori" pop up in a Google search I was doing. So I Google Image'd (new verb!) "Zorori" because it sounded pertinent to my interests (I figured it had something to do with a fox), and of course, I was right.
However, that's not when I started watching anything Zorori related; it was just exposed to me at the time. Fast forward a few months, and I was looking for new animated movies to watch, and I saw "Kaiketsu Zorori" on a list I pulled up. I knew Zorori from before, and it looked like something I would enjoy watching, so I put "Kaiketsu Zorori" in YouTube and I actually watched the movie as the very first thing. After that, I discovered the series and that's that.

when did we first discover kaiketsu zorori Empty Re: when did we first discover kaiketsu zorori

2010-11-11, 14:08
i was searching for anime to and i saw the name and i love it to this day and i'm still loving it

i like the anime so much i making a fan comic for zorori projects
Male Number of posts : 45
Age : 29
Location : Philipines
Registration date : 2010-07-18

when did we first discover kaiketsu zorori Empty Re: when did we first discover kaiketsu zorori

2010-11-12, 23:00
I've heard about Kaiketsu Zorori, when I was randomly watching shows in Cartoon Network Philippines...
Their audio dub sucks, and I started watching from You Tube... I think subtitles are better... Very Happy
Royal Jester
Royal Jester
Male Number of posts : 64
Age : 34
Location : Ohio, Michigan, Japan
Registration date : 2008-09-05

when did we first discover kaiketsu zorori Empty Re: when did we first discover kaiketsu zorori

2010-11-13, 12:12
I was working over the summer for a Japanese language sort of "summer school" type deal. I was working tech support and it was my job to go find websites for students to use. There is only so much information available, so I went looking through some of the older pages on a Japanese kid's website and found it mentioned under trends. Looked cool and funny, so I watched it!

Scroll down to May 2005: http://web-japan.org/kidsweb/archives/cool/index2.html

when did we first discover kaiketsu zorori Empty Re: when did we first discover kaiketsu zorori

2010-11-18, 19:40
Ronyle143 wrote:I've heard about Kaiketsu Zorori, when I was randomly watching shows in Cartoon Network Philippines...
Their audio dub sucks, and I started watching from You Tube... I think subtitles are better... Very Happy

if the American cartoon network gets it, i see that possibility that zorori might be in America sometime in the near future they might possibly redo the voices with better voice actors instead of the ones they used
Joke Teller
Joke Teller
Male Number of posts : 13
Age : 32
Location : Japan
Registration date : 2011-06-13

when did we first discover kaiketsu zorori Empty Re: when did we first discover kaiketsu zorori

2011-06-15, 06:22
I had seen zorori when I first moved to Japan When looking at the channels on cable. I was always sommewhat interested in any anime that had foxes in it. I searched Zorori up And started watching it. Subtitles are so much better than the english dub. Cool
Male Number of posts : 45
Age : 28
Location : USA
Registration date : 2011-08-07

when did we first discover kaiketsu zorori Empty Re: when did we first discover kaiketsu zorori

2011-08-07, 11:43
Space World, In Japan! This is all explained in my introduction.
Twenty Ceiling Fans
Twenty Ceiling Fans
Other / Decline to state Number of posts : 28
Registration date : 2022-08-02

when did we first discover kaiketsu zorori Empty Re: when did we first discover kaiketsu zorori

2022-08-04, 11:38
I managed to come across Kaiketsu Zorori after coming across Kaiketsu Zorori videos posted by Maxi Goin on YouTube back in 2020, and after that I downloaded every Kaiketsu Zorori episode onto my tablet. I’m still a Kaiketsu Zorori fan after 2 years. Smile Smile Smile
Pun User
Pun User
Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2023-01-02

when did we first discover kaiketsu zorori Empty Re: when did we first discover kaiketsu zorori

2023-01-02, 21:21
One of the Japanese actors I was following on social media, Yuki Kaji, was posting about the new Zorori movie that came out very recently, and it instantly caught my interest, and I started watching some eps on youtube. I love the series and I can't wait to see more of it soon.
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