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Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Zorori Episode Descriptions

2008-07-08, 14:46
Want to find out what an episode is about before you download it? Or maybe you just want to find out more about an upcoming episode. This thread will list an episode description of every episode we've released, along with a preview of the next episode.

Each episode will have a bit of trivia and a list of characters. The list of Characters is for recurring characters only. One time characters will not be listed. A recurring character is a character that shows up for at least 2 episodes.

Last edited by axelfar on 2008-07-08, 15:44; edited 1 time in total
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 1 Dragon Slayer

2008-07-08, 14:51
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep01

In the kingdom of Levanna Princess Elzie is about to marry the brave and noble Arthur. Unfortunately for them, Zorori has other plans. He wants to be the one to marry Elzie so he can become a prince and get his own Zorori Castle. Enlisting the aid of Ishishi and Noshishi, twin boar brothers, he sets out to wreck the marriage ceremony and win Elzie's heart.

This episode introduces the main characters and sets up Ishishi and Noshishi as Zorori's apprentices.

Characters introduced: Zorori, Ishishi, Noshishi, Princess Elzie, Arthur

Last edited by axelfar on 2008-07-08, 22:28; edited 1 time in total
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 2 The Great Battle for Zorori Castle

2008-07-08, 14:56
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep02

While traveling through the woods, Zorori stumbles upon an old castle. A king informs him that rouges have taken over the castle and put an enchantment over his daughter. With the promise that he could marry the princess and get the castle, Zorori sets off to defeat the five rouges.

This episode features the shrinking and growing medicine, that will be used again later in the series.
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 3 I Love Mama

2008-07-08, 15:04
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep03

Zorori is depressed as it's his late mother's birthday. His depression is short lived as a runaway baby carriage, complete with runaway baby, makes him jump to the rescue. The baby's mother is grateful, but the carriage once again rolls away. Zorori promises to make sure the baby will be returned safely, and so begins his great babysitting adventure.

This episode gives us a glimpse at Zorori's childhood days and shows Zorori's mother when she was alive. It also shows naked baby foxes. You've been warned.
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 4 The Haunted House

2008-07-08, 15:18
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep04

While happily singing along, Zorori and co. are ambushed by the students of the demon school. The Principal of the school, Youkai-sensei, turns out to be a fan of Zorori's work. He informs Zorori that its getting harder and harder to scare people these days. Zorori lends a hand to try and help, but it seems Youkai-sensei's words ring true. But Zorori does not give up.

This is the first time the Demon School is mentioned, but it won't be the last. A later episode has them visiting the actual school.

Characters: Youkai-sensei, Gorgon, Dracula, the Wolf Man, the Mummy
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 5 The Sacred Book

2008-07-08, 15:29
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep05

There is a legend about a book atop a mountain that will tell the reader stories full of emotion. The rich Dalmanian and his daughter Pomela have already started climbing the mountain in search of this sacred relic. After hearing this, Zorori decides that the book is his ticket to getting a Zorori Castle. He too sets out to find the book, but Dalmanian has the only map. Not to mention that the mountain is dangerous enough, Zorori also had to find a way to steal the map from Dalmanian.

The Bukkura Koita is formally introduced in this episode, even thought it was present in episode one during the Bukkura Koita segment. Zorori will continue using this book later on.
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 6 The Wizard's Apprentice

2008-07-08, 15:36
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep06

A town has fallen victim to an evil wizard's magic. Its citizens have been turned into household items, and they seek Zorori's help. He agrees to help, but only because he wants to learn magic so he can pull pranks on the world. They make their way to the wizard's castle, only to be faced with rushing water, killer plants and a maze. After surviving all the obstacles in their path, they reach the castle and meet the wizard. He agrees to make them his apprentices, but he has other things planned...

This episode was part of an old zorori movie. The magic rod (or staff if you prefer) shows up again next episode.
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 7 The Great Pirate

2008-07-08, 15:43
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep07

Zorori and co. are debating what they should use their three wishes on when they find a drowning lion. After saving him, he reveals that he is the captain of a pirate ship. He asked them to give his son Paru a golden parrot. Before anymore can be said, a giant wave crashes down upon them. When it recedes, the lion is gone, and his pirate crew accuses them of killing him off. Using the golden parrot to prove their innocence, they join the crew to help find the treasure the golden parrot revealed.

This episode was also part of an old zorori movie. Much like the magic rod/staff, the ship at the end of the show will be carried over to the next episode.

Characters:Paru, Tiger and his crew
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 8 The Ghost Ship

2008-07-08, 15:48
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep08

Zorori and co. are sailing on their ship when they spot newlywed couple Arthur and Elzie. Zorori, infuriated by how he was bested by Arthur, comes up with a plan to steal his kingdom. Disguising himself as a ship captain and his ship as a cruise liner, he tricks the couple on board. But while Elzie is trying out dresses, Arthur has to deal with Zorori's antics. Will he withstand Zorori's attempts to steal his kingdom, or will Zorori's evil ramen prove fatal?

Arthur now has the title of "King Arthur"
This is the second time Arthur and Elzie make an appearance.
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 9 The Chocolate Castle

2008-07-08, 15:54
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep09

Duke Bururu is giving a away a chocolate castle! If you find a winning piece inside a Bururu Chocolate Bar, the castle will be yours! But the Duke is not going to let the castle be won by anyone. He imprinted the winning piece in the white chocolate layer of his chocolate bar. And the white chocolate is in the middle of the bar! Surely no one will win. Except that Zorori did win, due to his unique way of eating, or rather, licking chocolate. Now Duke Bururu will do anything to keep Zorori from reaching the castle and claiming his prize.

Duke Bururu keeps referring to Zorori as Zorori-kun. This is probably due to the fact that he sees Zorori as a boy not worthy of his time, in a similar fashion that Zorori calls Arthur Arthur-kun. Koburu also constantly says, "Hai hai" (Yes, yes) as a speaking pattern.

Characters: Duke Bururu, Koburu
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 10 The Great Dinosaur

2008-07-08, 22:48
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep10

Noshishi reads a book on dinosaurs and asks Zorori what he would do if he were to meet one. Soon, they find a billboard advertising a dinosaur show. They decide to go see it and sneak in as one person to avoid paying the entrance fee for the three of them. Once inside they find out the dinosaur is just a child and Zorori declares he will capture and adult dinosaur. He travels to the island were they live and begins his search. He not only finds a dinosaur, but an interesting piece of information too...

The dinosaurs do not have names. The official Zorori website has them listed as "Dinosaur Mama" and "Dinosaur Boy"

Characters: Dinosaur Mama, Dinosaur Boy
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 11 The Car Race of Terror

2008-07-08, 23:03
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep11

Duke Bururu and Koburu are at it again. This time they are giving away a sports car! What do you have to do to win it? Why eat Bururu Ice Cream Bars of course! But they won't be bested like last time. This time to draw a win, you have to lick the ice cream bar stick for two hours straight! Surely no one will do something so foolish, right?! Wrong! Once again, Zorori's strange eating habits have proven fatal to Duke Bururu's plans. But Bururu has even planned for this. In order to get the sports car, Zorori must beat him in a mini car race! Perhaps an old friend will be able to help him win.

This episode has the return of Duke Bururu and Koburu, along with another one of their sweet selling schemes.
Paru has grown up a bit and is no longer a pirate.
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 12 The Amusement Park of Terror

2008-07-16, 16:37
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep12

Zorori has built an amusement park in an attempt to steal Arthur's castle one again. Disguising himself as the park's mascot, he tricks Arthur into signing a park pass. The pass not only gives Arthur and Elzie a free day at the amusement park, but also gives the castle to Zorori! Now Arthur must keep the pass from falling into Zorori's hands while Elzie drags him along from ride to ride. All of them rides of terror!

Arthur and Elzie are back from their honeymoon. This is their third appearance.
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 13 The Delicious School

2008-08-16, 16:46
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep13

Youkai-sensei has gotten sick from eating too much garlic and now Zorori must fill in for him. Since Zorori is starving, he agrees to teach classes at the demon school in order to get free food. But, try as he might, Zorori just can't seem to get anything to eat. Perhaps a change in the lesson plan is in order.

This episode has the return of of Youkai-sensei and his students, along with some new ones.
This is the final episode with the ending song "Sora wa Ao"

Characters: Kaminarikozou (Young Thunder)
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 14 The Mysterious Plane

2008-08-16, 16:59
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep14

Zorori and the twins are playing with a toy plane only to discover they accidentally stole it! They hide from the police in some luggage and wind up on a plane. The plane then experiences engine failure and crashes into a snowy mountain. Now Zorori and the plane's owner, Money, must survive the bitter cold until help can arrive. When it becomes clear that help won't come, they must find a way to rescue themselves or else freeze to death.

Zorori's father is mentioned for the first time this episode, but you never see his face, as Zorori does not remember what it looks like.
This is the first episode to have the ending song "Owari no Uta" (literally "Ending Song")

Characters: Money ojou-sama (Ojou-sama is the honorific for a rich daughter)
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 15 The Giant Monster

2008-08-16, 17:03
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep15

Noshishi has won a five year supply of candy! But instead of eating it, Zorori convinces him to build him a candy castle. Now Zorori has the castle of his dreams, but there's just one problem. A giant monster has appeared in town and he's hungry for sweets. And with Zorori's castle made of candy, the monster makes a bee-line for it. Now Zorori, Ishishi, and Noshishi must stop the monster before he eats them out of house and home.


Last edited by axelfar on 2008-08-22, 18:54; edited 2 times in total
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 16 A Decisive Battle! Cards vs. Crayons

2008-08-16, 17:10
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep16

Zorori and the twins meet a living card. The card takes them to its village and explains that since Zorori has the Bukkura Koita, he is the hero of legend that will protect them from the crayons. The crayons have been harassing the cards by drawing all over them. The cards have agreed to give their paper castle to Zorori if he helps defeat the crayons. Zorori agrees but the crayons have their eyes set on coloring the castle. The battle of cards vs. crayons has begun!
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 17 The Ghost of Hanako-san

2008-08-31, 21:50
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep17

Zorori and the twins accidentally trespass on the private property of a famous rich soccer player. Amazed at the castle like mansion, Zorori decides to become a soccer player and become rich enough to buy his own Zorori Castle. When he can't join a soccer team, he decides to form his own. Visiting the local elementary school, he tries to recruit the school's soccer team. The kids refuse and insult him. Zorori backs off but vows to seek revenge. He hears about the rumor of Hanako-san. She's a ghost that haunts the third floor boy's bathroom. The soccer team agrees that they will investigate and disprove the rumor, and Zorori decides he will scare them when they do. But, what happens when the real Hanako-san shows up?

This is the first episode to have two parts.

Last edited by axelfar on 2008-09-14, 03:06; edited 1 time in total
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 18 The Soccer Match of Terror

2008-09-14, 03:01
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep18

Zorori and the boy's soccer team are now going head to head in a soccer match! The stakes are high. If Zorori wins, the soccer team will have to join his Zorori League. If he loses, he'll have to leave town.

Same as above
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 19 Arrested!!

2008-09-29, 02:51
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep19

Zorori and the twins arrive in Spany City and wreak havoc upon it. They pull prank after prank on the unsuspecting populace. They spend the day enjoying their mischief and wind up in a park during sunset. In the park they find a golden statue of two twin heroes who saved the town from a wicked dragon. A stranger tells them the story behind the statue and informs them that it is Spany City's most precious treasure. Zorori is disinterested and walks off. The next day wanted posters for him are spread throughout the city. At first he is delighted to have his own wanted poster, until he sees that the picture on them doesn't look like him at all. He soon learns that his pranks didn't earn him the wanted poster either, he got it because the police think he stole the golden statue! Determined to get a better wanted poster, Zorori makes his own and then replaces all the wanted posters in town. Unfortunately, the wanted posters work and Zorori is arrested and thrown in prison!

This is the second two part episode in the series.
This episode introduces Zorori's wanted poster that will reappear later in the series.
This is not the last time Zorori will be involved with the police.

Characters: Mayor Porks, Chipoli, Topol, Chief of Police Gomez
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 20 The Great Escape

2008-10-10, 13:11
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep20

Zorori and the twins are serving out their sentence in prison. Part of their punishment includes being rehabilitated into productive members of society. Warden Gomez is determined to turn Zorori into a respectable character, and Zorori is determined to escape. But how will he escape an inescapable prison?
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 21 Ishishi and Noshishi on their First Errand

2008-10-22, 23:29
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep21

While cloud watching, Zorori gets the urge to eat a cream puff. Fortunately, they have enough money to buy some, but Zorori loses his while showing Ishishi and Noshishi the proper way to eat a cream puff. They still have enough left over for one more cream puff, but the store has run out. They are told that the neighboring town of Monshiro might have some cream puffs left. Ishishi and Noshishi then set out to get the cream puff as their first errand for Zorori-sensei. They run to catch the bus, only to find out if they pay the bus fair, they won't have enough money left for the cream puff. Then a girl named Malteinu runs up to the bus and asks to depart immediately. Two men have been chasing her. She pays for the twins and she escapes her pursuers. Ishishi and Noshishi learn that she is out on her own looking for a birthday present for her mother. A beautiful red flower she likes. Ishishi and Noshishi agree to help her with her shopping and all three head for Monshiro, all the while the two strange men keep following them.

This episode focuses on Ishishi and Noshishi, and Zorori is only seen at the beginning and end of the episode.
The new characters shown are anime only characters. They were made for the show and do not show up in Yutaka Hara's books.

Characters: Malteinu, Baskey, Bagu.
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 22 The Great Rocket Plan

2008-11-08, 18:02
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep22

A mysterious crop circle has appeared in farmer Gus' sweet potato field. Seeing Zorori and the twins investigating, he assumes they're the one who did it. Zorori tells him it wasn't them but a UFO that did it. Gus doesn't believe them and tells them to catch the UFO that damaged his crops. He then traps them in the enclosure with an electric fence. Zorori wonders what to do while Ishishi and Noshishi decide to eat some of the sweet potatoes. Suddenly, an actual UFO appears and abducts Noshishi! Zorori and Ishishi are stunned that a real UFO showed up and can do nothing as Noshishi is taken to space. Now Zorori and Ishishi must build a rocket to go and rescue Noshishi, but how will they do it?

This is the third 2 part episode of the series.
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 23 The Mysterious Space Aliens

2008-12-08, 00:18
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep23

Zorori and Ishishi have traveled to a far-off planet to rescue Noshishi. The space aliens that abducted him are using him to test out Earthling's intelligence. Since they have no more room on their planet, they want to take over the Earth but want to make sure they can do it easily. Noshishi fails the intelligence test, which is comprised of four riddles, but Zorori steps in to ace the test and save the Earth... Or has he? Looks like the test had a second part: A test of strength. Zorori now must face four fierce space monsters or he and the Earth are doomed.

This episode wraps up the "Zorori in Space" arc and sets up the "Zorori's Fiance" arc.
The two space aliens that abducted Noshishi have no name.
The riddles in the ep are mostly pun riddles.

Space Alien 1, Space Alien 2, Space Alien Princess, Gogerobechi, Unjaroge, Bicharapo, Barigari.
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 24 Zorori's Dream Castle

2008-12-27, 05:27
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep24

A house with Artificial Intelligence is being given as a lottery prize! But wait, it's Duku Bururu and his assistant Koburu-kun who are giving the house away. Surely they are up to no good again. But this time, they made sure Zorori would win! What's their plan? To show off the amazing house Duke Bururu built so they could sell them and make a fortune. Unfortunately for them, they made the house too perfect and Zorori has run away with it! All goes well for Zorori until he transforms the house into a castle...

This is the third appearance of Duke Bururu and Koburu.

Zorori Castle

Last edited by axelfar on 2009-01-08, 03:46; edited 1 time in total
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 25 A Fiance Appears!?

2009-01-07, 18:07
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep25

What started as a good day quickly turned bad when Zorori finds a sign with a riddle about him on it. As he storms off angry about it, he finds a strange building that requires a riddle to enter. He solves all the riddles, but finds out that the person who put them up to solve was the space alien princess! She's come to Earth to marry Zorori and has even brought the wedding to him. Will Zorori marry her or leave her at the alter?

This ep has the return of the space aliens and their riddles.

Characters: Shishiko

Last edited by axelfar on 2009-01-08, 03:26; edited 1 time in total
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 26 The Great Riddle Plan

2009-01-08, 03:24
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep26

What jet black bird lives in an empty nest? What electronic device doesn't lie? What don't you need when you're there but do when you leave? Why do oden and cabbage rolls have such a good relationship? All of these riddles and more stand in the way of Zorori and his escape. The princess has thrown Zorori and "Shishiko" into a test of riddles. They must make their way back to the princess if they have any hope of returning to Earth. But will Zorori have to marry Shishiko so the princess won't marry him?

Gogerobechi and the other space monsters are shown again.
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 27 The Great Ghost Plan

2009-01-08, 04:15
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep27

It's a hot day and Zorori, Ishishi, and Noshishi want to cool off. Suddenly a storm comes and gravestones appear out of nowhere. Ghosts appear and terrify the trio until they find out the ghosts are Youkai-sensei's students. Youkai explains that they are old ghosts who have lost their self-confidence. Zorori agrees to help them out but only after Youkai sways him with a reward for his troubles. They set up a haunted house and wait for someone to pass by. After a day of waiting an elementary school class passes by. Zorori has one of the ghosts conjure up a storm to get them to stay at the house. Surely scaring a bunch of kids will be easy, right?

Zorori doesn't change into his costume at all in this episode.
Youkai-sensei makes his fourth appearance in the show.
The teacher and students have no name.

Azukitogi, Mokumokuren, Akaname, Oonyuudou, Kaminarijijii, Teacher, Students
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 28 The Great Oonyuudou Plan

2009-01-11, 15:51
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep28

Everything that Zorori has tried has failed. The kids are impossible to scare. The only ghost that hasn't tried scaring them yet is Oonyuudou, but he is so small and not very scary. But Zorori has a plan. He's going to construct a giant robot that looks like an oonyuudou for Oonyuudou to control. Will this plan work or will it fail to scare the kids once again?
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 29 The Great Oyaji Gag Plan

2009-01-17, 14:53
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep29

The spicy spice tastes tasty! I row the roe in a row! The badder batter batters the batter better!
It's time for an Oyaji gag battle! Zorori and the boars are saved from an icy death by the traveling scientist Dr. Gaon. He refuses their thanks and earns Zorori's instant ire. While exploring the town they learn a hole in the clouds has heated the area and melted all the snow. The reservoir is full to bursting and the dam is cracking. The small kingdom of Hail will be flooded out. But the kingdom has a fortuneteller that says the brave warrior of the Bukkura Koita will save them. Unfortunately Gaon also has a Bukkura Koita! Now Zorori and Gaon must fight to determine who will save the kingdom and who's Bukkura Koita is the best.

Gaon is an anime only character. He is not in any Zorori books.

Dr. Gaon, President Shiroku, Vice President Otto, Fortuneteller Obaba
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 30 The Monster Major League

2009-02-16, 18:22
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep30

Zorori and the boars are looking for food when they are ambushed by a team of monsters. It turns out the monsters are students of Youkai-sensei and are part of a professional baseball team, the Restorers. Youkai-sensei wants Zorori to coach the Restorers, as they are the worst team in the league and are about to be kicked out of the professional circuit. Zorori agrees, but he has a lot of work to do. Each player has their faults and they don't work well as a team, and only 5 of the required 9 players are present. And since the team has been in last place for so long, they don't get a team bus and have to walk all the way to the stadium. Now Zorori, Ishishi, Noshishi, and the Restorers must overcome obstacles on their way to the next game and learn to work as a team.

This is the first episode of a three story arc.
The baseball arc is the only story arc to take up 3 episodes.

Nomonoke, Takoashihappon, Kubinaga, Coolo, Gojimatsu
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 31 The Magic Ball of Terror

2009-02-22, 00:47
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep31

The Restorers have made it to the stadium but Youkai-sensei hasn't returned with their ninth member. The Horrors are tired of waiting and bust into the Restorers' locker room and demand that the game begin immediately. Youkai-sensei arrives, but with bad news. No one wants to join the restorers, but he will play as the ninth pitcher. With no other choice, Zorori agrees and the game begins. At first everything goes well with Noshishi's Disappearing Magic Ball, but Heab's Fart Strong Fast Ball is just as good. It doesn't help that the Restorers are still dysfunctional as a team and Noshishi refuses to perform the Disappearing Magic ball in the second inning. Zorori's job as a coach will be put to the test as he tries to beat the best team in the league.

Heab, Bero, Otonashii, Fuu

The second part of the three episode arc.
Gus the sweet potato farmer makes his second appearance.
This is the last episode to include the ending "Owari no uta" (Ending song)
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 32 A Home Run Vow

2009-03-16, 04:09
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep32

The game is down to the bottom of the ninth and the Restorers are down 2-0. Zorori isn't about to give up and is sure the team can come from behind and turn the game around. Even without a magic ball, the team still manages to find a way to make use of their personal traits to beat Heab's Fart Strong Fast Ball. But everyone on the team needs to play. Will Gojimatsu's home run insistance lose them the game? Or will he give up his home run for a simple hit?

Zozousa, Dandy Johnson, Dye Gabb

Most of the Horrors' team members are named after famous baseball players.
This is the final part of the 3 episode baseball arc.
This episode has the new ending Akaneiro (Crimson)
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 33 The Zorori Castle at the Bottom of the Sea

2009-03-16, 04:26
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep33

Zorori and the twins are traveling on a raft at sea when they begin talking about mermaids. It is said the mermaid princess seduces sailors with her song, causing them to crash into the rocks and then dragging them to the bottom of the sea. Suddenly, a song fills the air. The mermaid's song. Zorori decides he will let the mermaid take him to the bottom of the sea, because a mermaid princess must have a castle. He decides he will take her castle as his own. It turns out the mermaid princess is just a child, and her castle is actually the AI house Duku Bururu gave Zorori: Zorori Castle!

Datsujii, Mermaid Princess, Mermaid Mama

This ep has the return of Zorori Castle
This episode features several fairy tales, two of which are Japanese. The story of Urashima Tarou and the tale of Princess Kaguya
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 34 The Great Treasure Card Plan

2009-03-22, 19:55
Zorori Episode Descriptions Episode34

Zorori watches a pizza commercial but has no money to get some. Ishishi remembers that they still have the Bururu card that was given to them by the monster school teacher. They can use that to order the pizza with. As Ishishi goes to place the order, a show about valuable collectibles comes on. The featured item is none other that the Bururu card! It's worth 10 million yen ($100,000)! There are only two left in the world, but if there was only one, it would be worth 100,000,000 yen ($1,000,000). Quickly stopping Ishishi from using the card, Zorori plans on stealing Michael's Bururu card so his will be the only one left. Unfortunately for Zorori, Michael has a great security system.

This episode has a flashback to episode 28 where Zorori first got the card.
Michael has the Zorori Park merchandise Zorori was selling in the souvenir shop in episode 12.
This is the third appearance of the long eared gossip announcer.

Michael, Gorimaru, Sarumaru
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 35 The Great Ninja Plan

2009-03-22, 20:38
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep35

Zorori, Ishishi, and Noshishi have enrolled in Gorimaru and Sarumaru's ninja school. The classes are free, but it looks like the class supplies aren't. The ninja clothes cost 30,000 yen, the wrapping cloth 15,000 yen and the straws cost 5,000 yen! It's a good thing their Bururu card will be worth 100,000,000 yen because they're going to need it to pay back their debt. But what will Zorori do when Gorimaru accidentally rips their card in two? Why steal Michael's now 100,000,000 yen Bururu card of course!
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 36 Clash! The Great Mecha Ishishi & Noshishi Plan

2009-04-05, 23:01
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep36

Zorori and the boars arrive in the kingdom of Pikkarin. In the kingdom of Pikkarin, people who do good deeds are given a stamp. Receive 12 stamps and you are rewarded by the king. Zorori refuses the offer because he has no intention of doing anything good. Once inside the kingdom, they find wanted posters for Ishishi and Noshishi everywhere. Before they have a chance to escape or even wonder why they are being looked for, they are apprehended by the police. When they are taken to the police station however, they find a party waiting for them in their honor. Supposedly the boars returned the kings treasured golden wig the other night. It is at the party where they find out that it was not the boars who did the good deed, but a pair of identical robots. Their creator is Dr. Gaon, once again creating copies. The boars are outraged and challenge their knock-offs to prove they are better, but lose to them every time. Zorori joins in and challenges Gaon and his creations to a good person stamp contest.

Mecha Ishishi, Mecha Noshishi, The King of Pikkarin

This is Gaon's second appearance in the show.
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 37 A Shocking Proposal

2009-04-11, 22:44
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep37

Zorori and the boars have gotten new cellphones and are trying them out while heading to the town of Pari-Pari. Zorori says that he will only give his phone number out to his girlfriend, but Ishishi points out he doesn't have one. When they arrive in Pari-Pari, there is a news segment about a famous supermodel, Cindy Clawhyord, arriving in town. Zororo falls in love with her at first sight and heads off to find her. Cindy lands to a huge crowd of fans and a police blockade. Zorori runs through the crowd and jumps over the blockade. He meets her and gives her his phone number after proclaiming his love. As he is running away, one officer, Inu Taku, realizes who he is and all the police in the area start pursuing him. Zorori runs into a clothing store only to have it be surrounded by police. They rush in and Zorori pretends to have a hostage with him in a dressing room. Little do the cops know it's actually him in disguise as a woman. He runs out of the dressing room as Zoroé and deceives the police into thinking he's escaped. His plan backfires however when Inu Taku starts to fall in love with him and decides to put Zoroé in protective custody. Now Zorori is at the police station surrounded by police. And Inu Taku has decided to propose to Zoroé...

Inu Taku

Cindy Clawhyord is based on Cindy Crawford.
Zorori's wanted poster from episode 19 is shown again.
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 38 I marry!?

2009-04-18, 14:32
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep38

Zorori is really in a mess this time. Inu Taku has taken him to his parent's heavily fortified and protected home. Inu Taku's father is delighted to meet Zoroé, but his mother is working him to the bone making sure he's wife material. All his attempts to escape have failed and there is no cell service where he is. Ishishi and Noshishi cannot get in touch with Zorori at all. Soon the wedding day has arrived and Zorori is at the church. Will he be able to escape or will he say "I do" and marry Inu Taku?

Inu Taku's mom & dad

Chipoli and Topol make a return apperance.
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 39 The Great Part Time Job Plan

2009-04-24, 16:36
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep39

It started out as a simple trip to the bank. Noshishi had 300 yen saved up and he wanted to open an account. He even made himself a potato stamp. But Duke Bururu had other plans in store for them. He charged them for reading a magazine, drinking some water, and using tissues while they waited to be served. Now Zorori and the boars have to pay Bururu for using his bank! They refuse to pay and are informed if they don't pay the bill soon, it'll be increased. Just then Youkai-sensei walks into the bank to make a withdrawal. Zorori warns him that the bank will try to rip him off. Youkai-sensei assures Zorori everything is fine but is then informed he has to present 100 Bururu Chocolate bar wrappers to make a withdrawal. Now Youkai-sensei can't repair the monster school. The students agree to help raise money for the chocolate by getting a job. Soon everyone is working at Baku Baku Burger but things aren't going well. Fortunately Zorori has a dandy invention up his sleeve.

This is Duku Bururu's and Koburu's fourth appearance in the show.
The monster school is shown again.
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 40 A Rich Man

2009-05-10, 15:43
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep40

Zorori has Noshishi make a fake yen bill, but the ink they use streaks with sweat. Zorori wonders how they can make better and quicker cash when Noshishi comes up with an idea. They could just print the money. They decide the break into the Mint and print all the cash they need. Using a delivery man uniform borrowed from Youkai-sensei, Zorori tricks the guard, Kumada, into celebrating his birthday while Ishishi and Noshishi start printing the money. Everything goes well until the guard catches on to what they're doing.


This is the second episode were Zorori doesn't change into his costume.
The Yen bill is similar but not an exact replica of an actual ¥10,000 note.
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 41 A Close Call Princess

2009-05-10, 16:02
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep41

Princess Myan is being held captive by the evil Ugyarusu deep within the confines of a monster infested castle. A brave hero has come to her rescue. That hero is Zorori, and he keeps dying on the final boss. He's been playing the video game for over 8 hours trying to rescue Princess Myan. At long last he beats the game and is about to leave when Myan tells him the game isn't over. He still has to free her from her prison. She instructs him to press a few more buttons and Princess Myan comes out of the game! Zorori is now her hero for rescuing her and asks him to show her what normal life is like. Zorori takes on part time jobs to pay for all the fun Myan is having, happy to see her happy. But the game monsters aren't going to let Princess Myan go free without a fight.

Princess Myan, Game Store Owner
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 42 The Close Call Video Game

2009-05-23, 15:27
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep42

Princess Myan has found out the truth about how Zorori has gotten all the money he's spent on her. She realizes what a selfish princess she's been, but before you can thank Zorori for all that he's done for her, she is captured by the game monsters. Zorori comes to her rescue, but the monsters aren't there to fight, they came to ask Princess Myan to come back home. Without her, the game can't begin and they have nothing to do. At first Myan is reluctant, but a speech by her father convinces her it's best to come home. Zorori wants to come with her, but he faces a hard decision. If he goes with Princess Myan into the game, he can never come back. He must choose between the game world or his own.

The reason Myan came from a game cartridge and not a disk is because the Zorori anime is based on the Zorori manga, which has been around since the late 80's. Or Yutaka Hara hasn't played video games for a while Smile
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 43 The Great Monster Squid Extermination Plan

2009-05-23, 15:41
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep43

Zorori and the boars take shelter from the cold weather in a fisherman's cabin. There they meet Chinku, a fisherman apprentice who lets them warm up and feeds them oden. Their meal is interrupted when the fishermen return with two other fishermen that were attack. Yo-chan, a giant squid that hangs around the harbor entrance, has recently begun attacking fishing boats. After this latest attack, the fishermen decide to take action. Their employer, Dober, demands that Yo-chan be exterminated in 3 days or the fishermen will lose their boats. Chiku stands up for Yo-chan and says he's always been their friend and he must have a reason for attacking the boats. The fishermen punish Chinku for speaking out of turn by giving him half a serving of oden from now on. If he wants full servings again, he'll have to exterminate Yo-chan himself. Zorori is outraged by this and helps Chinku out. Unfortunately for him, Gaon gets involved and now it's a competition to see who can exterminate Yo-chan first.

Chinku, Yo-chan, Dober

This is Gaon's third appearance.
Oden is a cold weather dish, showing it's winter in the Zorori world.
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 44 The Great Jump of Terror

2009-06-05, 05:11
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep44

Zorori and the boars are being chased by the police and get trapped up a mountain. In order to break through the police barricade, Zorori makes some make-shift skis out of a sign and skis down the mountain. He gets past the cops but he can't stop. Meanwhile, Dunk, a competitor from the Bosque Kingdom, is about to do his ski jump for the World Winter Sports Tournament when Zorori comes flying in and sets a new record. He is disqualified for not being an official contestant and the police catch up to him. Zorori eludes the police but is found by Dunk who begs him to be his ski jump instructor. Dunk is from a southern island and has never skied before. He was sent by his king to win a gold medal and bring name recognition to his country. If Dunk doesn't win a gold medal, he can't go back home to see his family. Zorori agrees to help him out, but not only are the police after him, but some ninjas as well.


Duku Bururu, Koburu, Gorimaru, and Sarumaru are shown for a brief period.
Inu Taku makes his second apperance.
The World Winter Sports Tournament is a parody of the Winter Olympics.
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 45 The Great Gold Medal Plan

2009-06-05, 05:31
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep45

After hiding from the police, Zorori finds himself in a bobsled event! At first they're going fast but then Ishishi starts sneezing and propels them into super speeds wining them a second gold medal. They crash the sled and no one realized they broke a record. They meet up with Dunk again and begin his training. Dunk is skiing well but isn't good enough to get a gold medal. Zorori and the boars have to come up with a way to get Dunk to do better. They remember that they jumped really far because they were being chased by the police. They decide to scare him but he'll need something to propel his jump. They come up with the idea of having Dunk fart just before he does his jump. Now the only thing to do is hope he can break the record.
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 46 The Presents of Terror

2009-07-19, 19:22
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep46

It's Christmas eve and Zorori is upset he's not going to get a Christmas present from Santa this year either. Not only does he not behave, but he's also not a child anymore so he's not eligible to get presents from Santa. But Zorori does find Santa in a small town checking to see if the children have been naughty or nice. He and the boars follow Santa back to his home. There they discover that there are actually two Santas for every town. They decided to ask the Santas for gifts but instead get scolded for breaking into Santa's house and misbehaving. Zorori is insulted by this and vows to give all the good children of the world 3 Presents of Terror. Will Zorori ruin Christmas?

Suzuki and Yamada

The two Santas mention the Kingdom of Bosque, a reference to the events in the last episode.
This is the last episode to have Akaneiro as the ending song.

Last edited by axelfar on 2010-01-07, 03:15; edited 1 time in total
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 47 The Dream Prince Contest

2009-07-19, 20:23
Zorori Episode Descriptions Zorori_Ep47-1

Zorori and the boars are walking along when they notice a bunch or royals passing by. They follow them and end up at a huge castle but they aren't allowed in. As they try to find a way in, Gaon shows up and tells them to go far away from there. He enters the castle through a secret passage and Zorori and the twins are forced to climb into the castle. Once inside, they find out that the Royal National Competition is being held at the castle. Zorori meets Elzie and Arthur and finds out that Gaon is a prince himself. He poses as Gaon's friend Prince Zorori and threatens to tell Gaon's mother what he's been up to if he outs Zorori as a commoner. But now that the Dream Prince Contest part of the competition has begun, can Zorori win it and get the prize or will Gaon try to stop him?

Queen Cynthia

Gaon's full title is "Prince Dr. Gaon"
Zorori got a double title by accident "Prince Zorori-sensei" (Master Prince Zorori)
Gaon and his mother have traditional Anime eyes, while everyone else has western style toon eyes.
This is the first episode to have the 4th ending Gayoushi (Drawing Paper)

Last edited by axelfar on 2010-01-07, 03:16; edited 1 time in total
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 48 The Devil of Terror

2010-01-07, 02:57
Zorori Episode Descriptions Episode48

Great King Emna, ruler of the Underworld, is furious that Zorori still hasn't died and gone to Hell, even though his name is written in Enma's book. He sends a devil to go find and kill him. On Earth, Zorori has won a woman's beach volleyball tournament, but due to Ishishi's wig falling off, they are now being chased by the police for stealing the first place trophy. As they are cornered Zorori jumps for the tall building they're on to the next one, but he only manages to grap the side, and all three dangle for their lives. Akuma tries to make Zorori lose his grip by stabbing him with his tail, but zorori grabs onto his pointy and uses it to stop their fall. Akuma doesn't give up and tries several other ways to kill Zorori. After all of his attempts fail, Enma decides to kill Zorori himself.

Great King Enma, Akuma, demons and devils of Hell

Great King Enma is the lord of the dead in many cultural mythologies. He also passes judgment on the dead.
This episode also has references to Christianity such as the concept of Heaven and Hell
This is the first of a 4 part episode

Last edited by axelfar on 2010-01-07, 03:14; edited 1 time in total
Male Number of posts : 615
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Zorori Episode Descriptions Empty Episode 49 Heaven and Hell

2010-01-07, 03:13
Zorori Episode Descriptions Episode49

Zorori is in Hell but he doesn't plan on staying there long. Thanks to Akuma's idea, they've disguised themselves as angels in hopes of tricking the demons of Hell. It works and they're thrown out of Hell and told to take the Escalator to Heaven. Zorori realizes that if he goes to Heaven, he will see his mother again. He is overcome with joy and quickly runs up the escalator. Once in Heaven, he relaxes in a hot spring and meets an acupuncturist. All the while Akuma is uncomfortable being a devil in Heaven. Zorori starts looking for his mother after visiting Candy and Toy Heaven, but doesn't have any luck finding her. He searches Heaven after Heaven until he's told to draw a picture of her. People immediately recognize her and Zorori is able to track her down. Zorori reunites with his mother but the happy moment is cut short when she tells him he must return to Hell and demand Enma revive him.

Zororene, The mothers' volleyball team, the angels in Heaven, Kuma

This episode finally reveals Zorori's mother's name and what she looks like in person.
Ishishi and Noshishi get to meet Zorori's mother.
This is the second episode not to have Zorori wearing his Kaiketsu Zorori costume.
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