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Male Number of posts : 616
Age : 46
Location : Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Registration date : 2008-03-22

Announcement Empty Announcement

2008-09-12, 02:20
Last week we mentioned that episodes 17 and 18 might be released together. This announcement is to confirm it. Episodes 17 & 18 will be released together sometime next week

The script for 17 is being looked over for errors and the script for 18 is underway. I'd like to take the time to thank our new timer FoxKit for helping us out. If anyone else is interested, ep 18 still has no timer. *wink wink*

Edit 9/14/08
The script for 18 is being finalized and ep 17 is being timed.

Edit 9/19/08
Eps 17 and 18 are being timed. I can't give you an exact time they'll be done, but they'll be done soon.

Last edited by axelfar on 2008-09-21, 04:22; edited 3 times in total
Male Number of posts : 395
Age : 36
Location : Las Vegas, Nevada
Registration date : 2008-03-26

Announcement Empty Re: Announcement

2008-09-12, 03:37
Now I hope yer not winking in my direction
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